Smallest Palindrome Bases in Haskell 26 Dec 2009

Everybody loves palindromes, right? I do, at least. That’s why I was excited when I learned that every number can be a palindrome when it’s written in the appropriate base. There is a trivial proof for this property: any number N > 3 is a palindrome in base N-1 because it may be written “11”. So here is my solution, in Haskell, to this CodeChef problem, that finds the smallest base that makes any given number a palindrome.

    isPalindromeInBase :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
    isPalindromeInBase value base = step leftmost 1
        where leftmost = base ^ floor(log(fromInteger value) / log(fromInteger base))
              step left right
                  | left <= right             = True
                  | digit left == digit right = step (left `div` base) (right * base)
                  | otherwise                 = False
              digit position = (value `div` position) `mod` base
    smallestPalindromeBase :: Integer -> Integer
    smallestPalindromeBase 1 = 2
    smallestPalindromeBase 2 = 3
    smallestPalindromeBase value = step 2
        where step base 
                  | base >= value || isPalindromeInBase value base = base
                  | otherwise                                      = step (base + 1)
    main = interact (unlines . map (show . smallestPalindromeBase . read) . tail . lines)

This is certainly not the fastest solution possible. Indeed it is downright naive. But hopefully the logic is clear.